We said to ourselves: it would be good if Emilie, Alexandra and Yann came back. We recalled Emilie's descending into the theatre's lair. We thought about Yann, dipping his hands in the (fake) blood of Am Stram Gram to unblock the aorta. We wanted to hear Alexandra make the chalkboard speak again and look for hidden voices in things. We thought: we don’t talk about theatre and architecture this way every day; with simplicity, lightness and intelligence.
Yes, we thought these three who had broken our hearts had to come back and speak about the heart of the theatre. In small groups we groped our way through, until the great Catton, our Dominique, who passed away a few months ago. A(E)NTRE was also about this; a tribute to the yellow raincoat of the great man who changed the life of theatre for children and youth in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
The floor of a theatre is covered with moults. Along the walls, forgotten clothes are moulting. Old costumes. A(E)NTRE sharpens our perceptions of the places we live in, of beating hearts, of what we leave behind while growing up.
13 to 16th December 2018
24 to 28th September 2019