I Am Only Passing By

An initiatory journey to the beyond

There are places like this chapel of the Crematorium of La Chaux-de-Fonds and the lush vitality of its decorations where art takes on a special significance whilst inviting one to meditate. Enter inside for an initiatory journey towards the beyond, a moment of poetry, ephemeral and yet unforgettable.

Septembre 2012
La Chaux-de-Fonds
8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23 rd Septembre 2012 at the Crématoire de La Chaux-de-Fonds


  • Writing, stage set and acting

    Emilie Blaser, Camille Mermet, Guillaume Prin

  • Costumes

    Julien Choffat

  • Co-production

    TPR-Théâtre Populaire Romand - La Chaux-de-Fonds

  • Support

    BCN Fondation culturelle, Caisse Cantonale d’Assurance Populaire, Fondation Andrée Jéquier, Loterie Romande, Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, Bezençon boissons


“I was enchanted by the sensitivity of these young people and by the respect they had for this place. It cannot be consumed as it is, it is subtler and deep. They knew how the place could enrich them in order to achieve a great performance, which shows that it can only be performed in this unique place. The public is invited to the journey with ease and intelligence. It is a perfectly successful exercise.”
Jean-Daniel Jeanneret, architecte du patrimoine de la ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds – L’Impartial du 08.09.12

“Emilie Blaser, Camille Mermet and Guillaume Prin perform brilliantly in this artistic ceremonial. Far from a morbid and cynical escape, I am Only Passing By is inspired by a place that is always operational, which in itself sums up theatre and life. And instilling a delicate essence, a light bearer, in the image of the artistic masterpiece that is its source. The journey is worthwhile.”
Cécile Dalla Torre – Le Courrier 14.09.12